Healthy, Happy, and Energetic Dogs

Many people ask “How can I have a healthy, happy, and energetic dog?” At our dog training lessons in Monterey, Gilroy and Santa Cruz, we answer this question often.

Everyone knows that special feeling you get when your dog welcomes you at the front door. Dogs give their unconditional love with you whether you’ve been gone for five minutes or five days. Dogs are always there to listen to you and rarely complain. So how do you keep your pet happy and healthy? You nurture their success and at Central Coast: Off Leash K9 Training we show you how.

At Off-Leash K9 Training, we train you and your dog for continued success.  We help you cultivate success in your dog that will last a lifetime. Here’s a list of significant ways you can start that nurturing process on your own.

Proper Diet: Most people think that dog food is dog food. You can buy the wet, canned kind or the dry bagged kind because it doesn’t really matter. They’d be wrong. A dog’s diet is as important to their behavior as consequences for their actions. A dog has to eat the proper amount of food and nutrients to be both healthy and happy.

Each dog is different and you have to pay attention to your dog’s behavior, skin, coat, and demeanor to ensure you are feeding them a proper diet. Monitor your specific dog and adjust his or her eating habits and diet.

Exercise: A bored dog is a destructive dog.  Exercise is imperative to keep your dog physically stimulated, at a proper weight, proper health, and to keep them out of trouble.  As dogs age, their activity level tends to slow down. If you want your dog to continue to live a happy and fulfilled life, continue to exercise your dog at all stages of their life. Old dogs need exercise on a daily basis just like their younger counterparts.

Affection:  Clearly plenty of praise, love, attention, and affection are all vital in order to have a happy dog.  Dogs are just like people in that they need love, attention, and affection. Your dog should be getting plenty of attention and praise from you on a daily basis.

Pack Leadership:  It’s important for dogs to know their place in the pack, dogs are much more happy and secure when you are clearly defined as the leader of the pack. Love them, treat them as members of your family but do not let them run your family.

Mental Stimulation:  This is one of the most underrated things that many people do not consider.  Keep your dog mentally stimulated as well as physically stimulated.  Look for other fun games and activities for your dog to do.

Obedience Training:  Obedience training, discipline, and structure in dogs are all just as important and fundamental as it is in people.   If your dog is having obedience issues, you should contact a dog trainer in your area.

Confidence:  Confidence in dogs is very important and yet very underrated.  This is something that the vast majority of trainers do not even cover or discuss.  Confidence is very important in order to have a happy dog! A dog lacking confidence tends to have reactivity or behavior issues.

If you stay on top of all these fundamental principles, I can ensure you and your dog a very long, healthy, happy, and confident life.

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